Thank you for visiting our library of financial wellness videos we’ve created just for you. We hope you find these to be a useful part of your financial journey and spur questions and actions on your part. For the best viewing experience, please double click on the video to maximize the display.
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Long-Term Care Insurance
Why it may be important for you
Understand the value of long-term care insurance, if it makes sense for you, and the importance of long-term care planning.
Life Insurance
Is it right for me?
Learn about life insurance, why you might need it and the various policy types available.
A Little Goes a Long Way
The power of compounding growth
Insights on how to start saving and the benefits of starting today!
Refinancing a Mortgage
When does it make sense for me?
Learn what refinancing means, receive answers to the most common questions and if and/or when refinancing makes sense to you.
Importance of Beneficiary Designation
The value of reviewing and updating
Learn about the value of reviewing and updating your beneficiary designation along with tips on the process of updating a beneficiary
Target Date Funds
Are they right for me?
Learn what target date funds are, see an example of how a target date fund can work and if it is right for you.
College Savings
The importance of saving
Higher education provides your children with lifelong advantages. This video explains the importance of getting started with a college savings strategy as soon as possible.
What is an HSA?
Is it right for you?
Opening an HSA can help you save money on health care expenses, especially if you're on a high-deductible health plan. Watch this video to find out what an HSA is, its unique benefits, and how we can help lower your health expenses.
The Power of a Trust
Is this right for me?
Protect and control your assets after your lifetime with trusts. Watch this video to learn how trusts can help carry out your wishes.
How to Reduce Debt
How to manage and minimize your debt
Debt, if not managed correctly, can be a disaster to your financial health. This video talks about how you can manage and minimize your debts.
There’s a war being fought for your wallet
Find out how to fight the urge to splurge!
Watch this video to learn how to fight the urge to splurge for future financial success.
There’s no two ways about it, you need a will!
Why you need a will
Watch this video to see how a will can protect you and your loved ones in a time when they would need it the most.